Monday, February 26, 2018

15mm River Arrived!

A couple weeks ago I ordered a river system from Novus Design Studio and wow they did not disappoint!  Finally I have a respectable river system for my 15mm games.

I bought enough for the table but thought I ordered an extra set of 2 for Ken.        ( That did t make it into my order.)  I also ordered a bridge which came out awesome.  I' so happy with these I think I'll end up buying the roads as well.

Favorite picture

Perfect for Lobositz!

A bridge worth fighting for!
So that's all for now.  You can see these rivers here

This is where I purchased the Stalingrad train station because it looks like the Ponyri train station in design.

I may end up buying their gravel roads as well.


  1. A big step forward in the terrain side of things this year for you. I think we tend to concentrate on the figures so much that are terrain often doesn't 'keep up'. The rivers look like they fit nicely together along their entire length - a good indication of quality.

    1. Yes Norm a big goal for this year was to improve my terrain and I'm working on standardizing it and ensuring the look "comes together" on the table. Not just disparate clumps of stuff, but instead terrain that "belongs" there if that makes any sense?

  2. A nice looking battle with a beautiful river!
