General Dwight Eisenhower once said "plans are worthless, but planning is essential." The old man knew a thing or 2 about managing a strategic operation, so it's fitting as I sit down to ponder 2024 that I channel my inner strategist to try and shed some light on the question of "where are we going here?
Portrait of Dwight Eisenhower, from the Smithsonian's National Portrait Gallery |
Rather than a retrospective on 2023's gaming adventures, this post looks forward. The past year my hobby has felt much like a meteor hurtling through the galaxy. Those precious opportunities when I've been able to sit down and game felt more like random collisions with other meteors, rather than being on a charted course. I want to fix that. While my hobby here is rich in resources, miniatures, gusto, and inspiration, I have not been working towards anything, and amongst all of the acquisition and rules reading and blog skimming, there was no real direction in any of my endeavors.
So what do you do when you have ample resources, but nothing seems to be coming together? You do some planning and write a plan, of course :)
Now, I could use this post to daydream about what I want to play, and paint, and build, but the truth is, those plans would likely fall apart. The plan is the thing that doesn't survive first contact with the enemy (Murphy was a wargamer, afterall), but as Ike said once, the planning bit is essential.
Staff officers debate the true extent and scope of the miniatures collection at SOUND OFFICERS CALL |
All of that to say what has been really lacking from my gaming life has been direction and planning. Call it what you will - strategy? Purpose? An end state? Whatever you call it, there has not been much time for it in my life of late!
With 2 children in the house, sports, academics, and other extra curricular activities, not to mention a new job started this past summer, there is clearly alot going on around the gaming bunker. My precious leisure time is not cheap, and as usual, gaming is the first thing cut (rightfully so lest I give up an opportunity to go for a run with my daughter or play catch with my son). So how do I fix that? How do I maximize the value of my time and quality of my time spent gaming, and also work towards something?
Planning for the big Eylau Convention Game |
I think it starts with admitting that
I'll likely never get to half of this stuff, so for 2024,
I'm planning to right-size my hobby. I've come up with a plan
to do more planning that will hopefully lead to more gaming and more satisfaction in my gaming, rather than chasing after something that is not attainable for me at the moment. All of this starts with the strategic objective.
The campaign's objectives if you will:
- Play More Games
- Reduce Clutter & Right-Size Miniatures & Rules Collection
- Standardize Terrain & Miniatures Storage
Don't you love how all the boss has to do is say this stuff and a staff carries it out? Most of my time in the US Army was spent as a staff officer, so I'm well aware of the "pie in the sky, big thoughts" that have to be carried out by Captains, Majors, and Lieutenant Colonels. The boss gives his end state, and the staff come up with coordinating instructions and tasks for units and elements. Those are then translated into orders.
So with that in mind - here are the tasks that need to happen in 2024, sorted by their objective, sub-objectives, and tasks needed to complete the objective. It's just like a military operation but times are tough so we fired all of the staff officers here at SOUND OFFICERS CALL and I'm acting as the commander AND the staff 😁:
Objective 1. Play More Games
Sub Objectives:
1a. Need simpler, more accessible Rules*
1b. Need smaller games on the table with a clear ending, clear winner, and low rules overhead to be completed all in one sitting
1c. Fast setup & takedown
1d. Larger games on a hex mat
*Accessible in this case meaning there is low learning overhead to play the system. It can be easily played on a Friday night when brain matter is at a premium for all players.
Tasks to achieve Objective 1:
1.T.1 Playtest Simpler Rules/ Games
1.T.1a. Darren's "Vapid" Fire on hexes
1.T.1b. LNLP's Tank on Tank WWII with MicroArmor on a hex mat
1.T.1c. Play modified GDW Team Yankee/Panzerblitz with MicroArmor on a hex mat
1.T.1d. Play my modified SPI hex/minis rules for large battles, also Simplicity in Hexes
1.T.1e. Try John Acar's D6 Ancients - maybe on a hexmat?
1.T.1f. Try OHW Ancients on a grid gussed it - a hexmat
1.T.1g. Commercial Rules to Try include Valour & Fortitude for Friday evening tabletop minis games and legacy Rapid Fire, Commands & Colors series, To The Strongest, Tillys V. Bad Day, OHW variants, Simplicity in Practice
1.T.1h Maximize use of OHW scenarios for smaller games that support an evening play
1.T2 Come up with a Friday night gaming schedule to play (Dave and I play every other Friday night now)
Objective 2. Reduce Clutter & Right Size Collections
Sub Objectives:
2a. Reduce rules, minis, and terrain collections by up to half
2b. Ensure rules support Objective 1 above
2c. All rules fit on 1 shelf (currently sit on 4 shelves)
2d. Store painted minis not in use or sell collections where multiple scales exist (why do I need 15mm SYW and 10mm SYW armies when they are exactly the same? Same units and everything)
2e. Understand how big my various collections are - some are so bloated I could not even tell you but so many of my minis go unplayed simply because my table is too small (6x4) or I just frankly bought and painted them for huge games that I'll never play
2f. Understand what is in use and what has not been used in a long while (or never)
Tasks to Achieve Objective 2:
2.T.1 Inventory Rules
2.T.1a Inventory all rules
2.T.1b Discard or sell all rules not in use - reducing rules collection by 50%
2.T.1c See if I have a digital equivalent
2.T.1d Answer following questions - have they been played? Do they support the plan? (see obj 1)
2.T.2 Inventory Minis
2.T.2a Inventory any minis that are NOT currently in the attic
2.T.2b Discard or mark for selling at convention
2.T.2c Move surplus to attic
2.T.3 Inventory Terrain Collection
2.T.3a Answer questions for terrain pieces as above in support of Objective 3
Objective 3. Standardize Terrain & Storage Solutions
Sub Objectives
3a. Reduce Terrain Collections through removal of unassembled terrain and unused pieces
3b. Reduction of space for smaller collection
3c. Achieve smaller footprint of entire miniatures storage system in order to reduce space and clutter
3d. Use pieces of terrain for multiple eras, theaters of war
3e. Use terrain inventory results to maximize removal of pieces
Tasks to Achieve Objective 3:
3.T.1 Reduce each theater/era to 4 terrain pieces each (buildings)
3.T.2 Remove unused and unassembled pieces unless they are universal pieces
3.T.3 Reduce 15mm terrain in general - sell unopened terrain pieces
3.T.4 Buy smaller storage containers for all 10mm armies (they are currently stored in plastic craft boxes that could easily fit 28mm units and take up too much space on shelf)
3.T.5 All painted minis not in attic are stored on the same shelf in the same location
3.T.6 Maximize universal terrain
3.T.7 Reduce terrain storage to only 2 containers (currently 6)
Planning that Ike would be proud of. |
So there you have it. I'm going to do some serious inventorying and soul-searching in 2024 in order to maximize playing of fun, historical, and challenging games instead of spinning my wheels coming up with plans for huge games that will likely never happen given limited bandwidth. I may not always blog about them, but a change of direction is certainly needed when I'm making accidental repeat purchases and the lead and plastic piles continue to grow without anything being painted. If my energy was going towards gaming, I could understand those purchases a bit more. 2024 will *hopefully* be an attempt to rectify that and put simpler games and simpler but more useful terrain on the table!
Looks like 2024 will be a Major Reorg for you. I wish you God Speed in your endeavor. Very good to see a move toward hex-based gaming. For me, that is the way toward solving a number of problems especially when remote gaming. If you want to include a hex-based remote game or two on your agenda for the New Year, I am always happy to oblige.
ReplyDeleteHi Jon, a reorg is definitely in the works here. I would say most of the games I have in mind are hex based or hex based conversions. Your work on moving Basic Impetus to a grid was fascinating and seems to have worked well for you. That is similar to what I want to do here. It would be an honor to play in any of your games.
DeleteSteve, I instantly recognise a lot of that ‘need’. I certainly think identifying bloated armies is a useful step, together with ruleset and terrain reduction. If the baggage is getting in the way of actual gaming or rather, the servicing of the game could be richer if the collection met the need, then it needs doing.
ReplyDeleteActually writing it out as a plan, with goals / objectives, will, I am sure, help many gamers better see the problems and solutions.
Interesting to see that a move to hexes is a central platform in the plan.
Good luck, though based on this and your previous post, I suspect the plan is already in motion and that it is supported by a significant wave of enthusiasm and motivation.
I figured you would, Norm. Certainly your ability to cut down has been inspirational and I hope I have the guts to be as ruthless. There is a need to get rid of excess here. Right now it is just too impractical and nothing fits if that makes any sense.
DeleteOddly enough a move towards hexes wasn't the intent but what I am interested in doing naturally led there.
Looks like a good plan, I hope the execution goes well. There seems to be quite a down/rightsizing trend at the moment. I found it hard to get going but it is quite liberating. I've been meaning to have a look at Rapid Fire Reloaded on hexes, perhaps a project for the new year.
ReplyDeleteThanks Martin. We will see. It's going to be a lot of work as I'll have to dig through tons of rules, minis, and collections of armies and do some honest thinking about what's been used and what has not. In terms of terrain I've been wanting a more standardized or universal approach for a long time.
DeleteDarren (le Duc de Gobin) created a very simple Rapid Fire variant for big battles using hexes which I've been keen to try for a long time now.
Well a lot of that rings true for where I'm at with the hobby too Steve. I've started on a good clear out, with a pile of what to keep and what to sell as it were, which has been very cathartic. Trying to shift stuff is not easy and many books may end up in a charity shop as the cost of postage and time to wrap them versus the limited cash return hardly makes it worth the effort. Good luck with your reorganising and hope you get a more focussed gaming year in 2024.
ReplyDeleteGlad to hear this post resonated with you, Steve. Seems like there is something in the zeitgeist out there with many of us looking to trim down the collections in favor of moreeaningdul wargame time. My issues are storage, distraction, and the realization that I'll probably never get all of the projects to where they are conclusively done.
DeleteGood luck! We look forwards to an update next year.
ReplyDeleteThank you Barks! Stay tuned!
DeleteSounds reasonable; I personally could never understand collecting the same period in different scales. Rightsizing storage containers to figure scale is definitely the low hanging fruit I'd go after first. Be careful not to sell too much; it sounds like you have many years of gaming ahead of you. Oh, and a most enthusiastic vote for To the Strongest! - Gridded board, games play in 3 hours or less, huge scope, basing agnostic, "simple yet subtle. Same for related ECW rules, "For King and Parliament. In my case, both sets drove large increases in the size of my Ancient and ECW collections. :-)
ReplyDeleteThank you sir - just caught these comments so sorry for the delay. Yes, my original collection for SYW were 15mm but later in life I absolutely loved how the 10mm looked and so committed to them and this was, of course, after I had the SYW 15mm guys all painted via a massively expensive commission. You live and learn, I suppose.
DeleteI have played FK&P and loved it - it was a gateway drug for me into ECW :)
The new storage containers are so remarkably efficient that I can literally fit 10 x 10mm forces where 4 used to sit (due to the wasted space not being wasted). I should do a blog post on this.
Oh, I forgot; I am working on a gridded variant of your "Eagles Cheaper than Brain Cells" rules. First playtest:
ReplyDeleteWow I was literally just tinkering with the old "Eagles" rules to get them on a hex board for play. Going to check out your post this evening. Happy New Year!
DeleteI deliberately didn't post the rules I used (it took a bit of work to distill out from the two conflicting versions, and then adapt to the square grid. I am happy to post what I came up with, along with my thoughts on further evolution, if you like. For Napoleonics, if I were to use a "Hex" type grid, I might consider doing it with "bricklay" squares instead.
DeleteAdmirable Preparation of the Battlespace and all D&G is valuable. Clearly your gamer woes are commonly felt by many, if not all, of us! Some quick commentary if I may:
ReplyDelete1.T.1g. V&F is good fun - new edition just out. Lots of toys not the table with simple but not simplistic rules (ie foot troops all move the same distance). No figure removal, the unit accumulates damage until its breakpoint, then it is removed. I plan on trying to use these rules for the Crimea.
Objective 2. Reduce Clutter & Right Size Collections don’t underestimate how difficult this is, both logistically and emotionally
3.T.1 Reduce each theatre/era to 4 terrain pieces each (buildings) - don’t underestimate how useful and rewarding it is to have the different terrain options available at arm’s reach when putting a game together. Great terrain makes the table and the game!
Good Luck Commander!
Many thanks, Paul! I appreciate your thoughts here. I am already feeling it. I took my 15mm SYW troops off the shelf yesterday. Even though they've only fought in one or two "proper" battles, they were my first project where everything I had was painted. I have the same painted armies in 10mm now which take up much less storage.
DeleteIt's heartbreaking even if it is logical!
If you have the morale fortitude to commit to one scale over the other and 'just do it' (I don't!) then more power to you - probably the best way to get where you want!
DeleteI have a range of projects that now vie for display shelf space - the step from display the storage is the first step to going out the door... :-)
Haaa! I love the pics and the planning...'no plan survives 1st ...dice roll!'
ReplyDeleteAlso, we can talk more on Vapid Fire with hexes (thanks for the mention ) - the new RF smoothes a lot of things out - but, I still think the hexes can be used for multi scaling with the same bases, and I use a single base, with a little dice on it, to represent the entire company now. i think there is mileage in scoping up or down from this, with the same system...
Also just played Iron Cross - so some lessons there too lol
Cheers, Darren - your comment was not eaten! It was just in "limbo" waiting for approval!
DeleteI an very keen to try Rapid Fire Reloaded with hexes. It seems like it would be a perfect combination.