Alex was over last night for a quick Napoleonics game. We played on of my favorite scenarios from the NT OHW book, ADVANCE GUARD #16. With our "Grand Tactical" Napoleonic rules EAGLES CHEAPER THAN BRAIN CELLS, this scenario now becomes the action of 2 x "Guards du Corps" both making their way to seize a strategically important village.
The French advance upon WeissHausen from the south. The Austrians from the north. |
The scenario stipulates that both sides are "stumbling into contact" and have no idea of the other's presence until one arrives to occupy the village! Dust chokes the small roads leading to Weisshausen on the hot summer's day. Officers urge their men to make faster time as the timelines and march plans fall apart. From the head of the convoy, tremendous firing can be heard! Have the Austrians arrived? We're going into action, men! Steel yourselves!
The Austrians arrive, but the French garrison the town first and move up additional reinforcements. Cellars, attics, and kitchens become fortresses as furniture is piled high, muskets are primed and bayonets affixed. The Austrians come on in force, through the streets and alleys of the small German village. They attack with such severity that the French are forced out, but more reinforcements fill in behind them.
Sharp fighting in the village as French and Austrian columns clash! |
Close quarters fighting |
A French unit is sent packing! |
A counter-stroke quickly stabilizes the situation, for now. More Austrian troops are enroute |
The French fight right from the march as more and more Austrians are spotted coming down the road and are back in the town! |
The 57th! "Le Terrible" attacks with ferocity! This unit would earn battle honors this day, fending off assault after bloody assault and rallying with elan. Even the dreaded, crack Austrian Grenadiers could not dislodge them. |
The 57th, close to breaking, rallies. |
Alex quickly commits his infantry brigades to assaulting the town and it's a good call. He's keeping the pressure up but it seems both of us are getting low orders rolls turn after turn. The confusion of the built-up fighting, aides being cut down, and units becoming intermingled in the mess.
More units on the outskirts of the village holding on. Austrian Grenzers exact a toll in men and morale. |
French guns didn't fire a shot the entire game. |
The situation. The French brigade in the lower right of town is threatened by Austrian heavy horse and artillery fire. The French Guard shows up to stabilize things. Eh Monsieur? Who said we needed help? |
Alex commits the Grenadiers to assault Weisshausen. Due to a lucky roll, I get a "6" for orders on the same turn Alex rolled a "1". This would turn out to be a decisive turn as the French Command and Control got its act together, all of the units are ordered. Alex turned to "the dice of Austria" confident that they would save the battle.
Pressure on the town. The lead French elements are hanging on with 1 "fresh" Brigade left. |
The French assault the skirmishers to drive them out of the town. Right now it's the only assault the French can manage with the lead elements being so beat up. |
Weisshausen is the scene of some incredible violence and the town is practically destroyed. |
Le Terrible rallies in the face of the enemy. |
Alex carefully maneuvers the Grenadiers to spare them from the close range artillery that has been brought up. A firefight develops at the town. French fire is not very effective. |
Once again the 57th teeters on the brink of evaporation but quick action by the officers avoids a route. This unit, unbelievable, came back no less than 3 times from a "6" casualty count. They are nominated for Battle Honors. |
Alex lost his last supporting infantry on turn 11 and decided the Grenadiers could not seize the town on their own. The Austrians disengage from the fighting and the battle is over. Alex played a great game and both of us were frustrated constantly by either poor orders dice, poor shooting, or both! The ups and downs are constant with these rules which is incredibly satisfying. You can't do everything you want, but you can always do
This battle was great fun, as have been all of the other engagements we've played with EAGLES CHEAPER THAN BRAIN CELLS over the last few weeks. I think the rules are incredibly solid and provide a quick game that is big on decision making, prioritization, and command, and low on complexity and rules. They put you in the saddle of the division or corps commander and allow you to solve big tactical and operational problems in a small area. I would like to push the envelope with the rules and attempt a bigger battle like Teugen-Hausen or Talavera with them on an open table.
Additionally, I'd like to work with Alex to develop a SYW and AWI variant for large battles such as Brandywine, Freeman's Farm, Lobositz, and Leuthen! All completely do-able and probably playable in 2 hours. I've already played Lobositz on my 6 x 4 table in 15mm using CCN, Black Powder, and Volley and Bayonet.
The 57th Infantry Regiment "Le Terrible" Heroes of Weisshausen! |
"You may have won today, 57th, but we'll be back!"
Reflecting on the battle, given equal armies, player skill and a good scenario, I think that the luckier side should win a marginal victory in a game. If either of us had made a serious mistake, then a solid victory should result.
I think that's what happened last evening. The critical dice moments were when the French seized the Initiative Turn 3, which literally allowed them to occupy the town first, then towards game end when I lost an Infantry Brigade that had my general and he had a 1-turn time out and I rolled a '1' for orders. All of which is quite realistic and easily justified thru history.
OK, the Austrians did make one important error - they forgot to order their Guns when at close range of a French Brigade, and lost them without firing a shot. I don't think their survival would have affected the outcome, however.
Great recap, Alex. Some important details that i forgot to mention in my BATREP. I attempted to start a game this morning but the kiddos awoke!
DeleteAlso I must work on some 10mm terrain next and finish off the rest of my Austrians. More EAGLES coming up!
Superb stuff guys and thanbks for sending me a copy of the rules.
ReplyDeleteI'm working on a few Marlburian and Nine Years War ariants/scenarios.
Also AWI variant will be good to work through.
Very exciting stuff.
Yes very much so, and a satisfying game to boot. Can't wait to take a historical scenario for a test spin! Please let us know how it goes, Darren!