It's been a long time since I made any significant wargaming plans involving 1/285 scale microarmor. longer since since I've painted any. All of that changed this week!
I recently played a game of SPI's "Mechwar '77" and it got me thinking about playing microarmor again. If you must know, I played the very first scenario, the reconnaissance scenario, in the game's rules. In this scenario, a troop of armored cavalry, all in M551 sheridans along with an airmobile infantry platoon, must deny the Soviets access to the southern edge of the board. The Soviets start with 4 wheeled recce platoons, and eventually a mech infantry company and tank company join in the fray. The game was just barely an American victory as the Soviets exited the 3 out of 4 required stands at the southern edge of the board.
While playing the game, I found I missed the larger, operational-level goals that playing at this scale entails. So I endeavored to break out my old Cold War microarmor and get to painting! First stop? The Team Yankee Board Game and the "First Blood" scenario.
With my microarmor, I can play a variety of types of games and all kinds of rules, from the new 5Core Brigade Commander game, to Battlegroup, to Modern "Flames of War" without really spending a penny. ( correction, I need to buy a few helo's, that's it.) I used to collect microarmor (didn't we all) and I have a huge trove of it now. All just waiting to be used. I figured for now anyways, I'll continue to paint up my 15mm infantry and use it for skirmish games, with larger games played with microarmor.
I already have a full Battalion's worth of T-72s, or a Regiment depending on the scale, including all the supporting arms I'll need. Just have to paint up the infantry...
My plan is to play "Team Yankee" with ranges and movement from the game pieces doubled using 10 T-72s, 10 BMP1s, 2 BMP2s, and supporting arms.
Command Group. ACRV, Shilka, and of course an SA-13 Gopher for later scenarios. |
Can't go anywhere without all the Artillery. So I brought along a Battery of 2S1s...unfinished as they need their tracks done, weathering and properly sealed. |
I'm very happy with how the BMPs turned out. I plan on using the same scheme on the T-80s when I paint them up. There are about 60 T-80s waiting for paint....Where else can you get that kind of quantity?!?! Battlegroup NORTHAG here I come!!! All the toys on the table!
The red hordes advance into Germany! |
Venerable M60s painted in MERDC await them. |
Surprise! My 10mm Napoleonic troops. Going to give all of them a makeover as well this summer and finally play "Napoleon at War" with them. |
unfinished skirmisher stand. |
Great looking Soviets and Americans! I need to finish the small details on my 1941 Heer motorized infantry company then I will have the perfect excuse to order some H-series MTOE armor myself. Thanks for the nudge. :-) Now back to that [soon-to-be-ending] pesky statistics class. :-(
ReplyDeleteThank you sir - looking forward to seeing those completed GD Germans. This will be the summer of Microarmor and military glory!
DeleteGreat looking collection. I've a huge (Huge) number of unpainted 6mm 'modern' Chinese I picked up 10+ years ago that I keep thinking I should do something about - which probably means eBay. But seeing your collection makes me wonder if I should try and paint some...
ReplyDeleteThank you sir! I've given away a number of armies over the years and have been hit with regret. Take it from me and those like us! Keep them around and give them a whirl every now and then.
DeleteThat's awesome Steve! I just jumped into the WW2 Micro-Armor pool myself after resisting the temptation for a couple of years now. I need to get my WW3 guys back on the table one of these days too - they've been growing restless in their storage bins.
DeleteIt was about time we did. I completed a 15mm PSC Panther using the guide in the BG Kursk book and while it looks really nice, it took me an entire week to do considering all of the steps in finishing it. An entire Pact Battalion / Regiment took me about 2 days to complete :) The proof is on the table.
I really like these small items Steven. The MERDC is nicely done mate!
ReplyDeleteThanks Paul - I knocked out that MERDC on those tracks a couple years ago but they have soldiered on to battle after battle along the way. They will have to hold the line against the Soviet hordes a little longer until my modern stuff can get off the assembly line. Next stop - FULDA!!
DeleteReally great stuff Steve. That is EXACTLY was my vision of Cold War hot is - hordes of Warsaw Pact vehicle flooding into the plains of West Germany! Looking forward to more!
ReplyDeleteThanks Paul - stay tuned. Once I finish Team Yankee up, expect a full assault by a Soviet MRB! It's going to be epic!
DeleteAlso I'm hoping once I get around to the infantry, that I can base them up for BG: NORTHAG (REFORGER) and have a go at it. That and CWC, GHQ, Modern Flames of War, etc. I like the flexibility.
And my Vietnam game is still in the works! Lots going on if I can ever find the time to finish it all.