Tuesday, February 25, 2025

3D6 Ancients

Some proposed OHW (+) gridded (hex) rules for the Early Imperial Roman era of warfare.  Link to the Google Doc with additional information is on the right.  These rules will always be available in the 3D6 Ancients tab above.

 All units are eliminated when they receive 9 hits.

Sequence of Play

1 turn = each player takes a turn moving, shooting, meleeing with units.

  1. Movement

  2. Shooting

  3. Combat

  4. Check for Unit Morale & Elimination of Units

  5. Check for Breakpoint

1. Movement

A player may move any units that are not currently engaged in combat up to their movement allowance, and may immediately conduct a "push move."

Push Moves

A player may conduct a "push move" with any unit immediately following that unit's move.  Roll 1D6 attempting to roll the unit's "push move" success score or higher.  Success allows 1 additional movement action (move, initiate close combat, pivot).  

Failure still allows the push move action to occur but at a cost of 1 Strength Point to represent disorganization and fatigue incurred by rapid movement.

Charge Movement

A unit must expend a movement action to initiate assault combat - that is - to enter an enemy unit's hex.  

Charging Units are subject to the following restrictions:

  • 1 pre-charge pivot allowed not to exceed 1 hex vertex.

  • Always count the space occupied by the enemy as 1 movement point for charge purposes.

  • Limited Engagement - Only 1 attacking unit may contact each face of a defending unit.  For hexes this means 1 unit may contact along one of the two frontal hexes, both of the flank hexes (left and right, beneath the 2 frontal hexes, and 1 unit through one of the two rear hexes.) 

Turning / Pivoting

Pivoting within a hex costs 1 movement action. Some units are restricted to moving *or* pivoting.

Retreat Move

Units retreating after failing a morale check move 1 space back, facing the enemy.  Any unit prohibited from doing so due to impassable terrain loses an additional 1 strength point.  If a unit cannot retreat due to the presence of another enemy unit, it is destroyed.

 A unit attempting to retreat due to a failed morale check that is blocked by another friendly unit pushes that unit back 1 hex.


Velites (light) may interpenetrate and may be interpenetrated by other light infantry units. 


  • Woods Only Velites and Warbands may enter.  Units attacking a unit in woods receive a -1D6 combat penalty.

  • Settlements No effect on movement or combat (scenario dependent - may allow subject attacker to -1D6 penalty to represent a fortified camp)

  • Swamp Entry prohibited for all units

  • Rivers Only crossed on bridges or at fords.  Assaulting across a bridge or ford receives a -1D6 penalty

  • Rough Only infantry may enter.  Units assaulting a unit in rough receives a -1D6 penalty

  • Hills Assaulting a unit on higher elevation receives a -1D6 penalty

  • Roads Allows for a free 1 space movement if beginning and ending on a road.

2. Shooting

No unit may move and shoot.  All shooting hits on a 4+.

Only Sagitarii (archers), Some* Velites (light infantry), and Some* Equites Auxiliares (light cavalry) may make missile attacks.  *scenario dependent

Units may only be targeted within front hex facing (measured from the 2 hexes in front of the unit and expanding out, up to range)

Sagitarii have a range of 3 hexes.  They shoot 2D6.

Velites have a range of 2 hexes. They shoot 2D6.

Equites Auxiliares have a range of 2 hexes. They shoot 2D6.

Each hit causes 1 SP loss on the enemy unit.

All shooting is subject to the rules on armored units, and terrain restrictions.

Any unit which takes a casualty from shooting must check unit morale in Step 4.

3. Combat

Units only inflict hits during their Combat turn.  Units in combat roll their appropriate number of D6.  All combat dice hit on a 4+.  Each hit causes 1 SP loss on the enemy unit.

  • Legionaries roll 4D6 in combat.  Legionaries are armored.

  • Warbands*, Auxilia, Equites roll 3D6 in combat.

  • Sagitarii, Velites, Equites Auxiliares roll 2D6 in combat.

*Warbands roll 4D6 on their first turn in combat.  Warbands are subject to a 1 hit penalty per turn if they roll any 1s in combat.  warbands ignore armor.

FLank / Rear Attacks

All units subject to penalties for being attacked in the flank or rear.  Flank attacks occur from outside the frontal 2 hexes of a unit.  Rear attacks occur from 1 of the 2 rear hexes.

  • Flank Attacks add 1D6 to an attacking unit's attack dice.

  • Rear Attacks add 2D6 to an attacking unit's attack dice.

All combat is subject to the rules on flanks, armored units, and terrain restrictions. (Warbands ignore target armor and never receive a penalty for attacking an armored unit).

Any unit which takes a casualty from combat must check unit morale in Step 4.  Barbarians do not have to check morale when rolling a "1" during combat.

4. Check for Unit Morale & Elimination of Units

Any unit which has taken any casualties this turn must check morale by rolling a 1D6.  If it has taken 1-4 hits, it must roll a 2+ to pass.  If it has taken 5-8 hits, it must roll a 3+ to pass.  A unit that fails its Morale Check must retreat 1 space back.  

An enemy unit that melee'd with the unit who retreated during this turn may advance and occupy the space previously occupied by the unit.

Any unit which has accumulated 9 hits or more is now routed and removed from the table.

5. Check for Breakpoint

Before the game begins, the army's breakpoint is calculated by adding:

2 points for each unit and general on the table.

3 points for any veteran units.

Each Turn during Step 5, subtract from the army's total the following:

  • 1 point for each unit forced to retreat during step 4 during this turn.

  • 2 points for each unit routed this turn.

  • 3 points for each veteran infantry unit routed this turn.

  • 1D3 points for a general killed this turn.

When the army morale reaches 0, the army quits the field.

Other  Rules

Generals - Generals are powerful force multipliers.  A general attached to a unit offers the following benefits:

  • +1D6 in combat.

  • 1 free re-roll of a push-move attempt per turn for the unit he is co-located with.

  • Ignore casualty morale checks (a unit with an attached general does not have to test for retreat after taking casualties)

Risk to Generals - For every "1" rolled when attacking a unit that has a general attached, a casualty check must be made for the general.  Roll 2D6 for each 1 rolled.  Any result of "2" means the general has been killed.

If the general is co-located with a unit that has routed - a test must be made to see if the general has been killed.  Roll 1D6.  On a roll of "1" the general has been killed.

Initiative - I've found that units moving first and likely striking first in melee have a huge advantage in the games I've played.  The "push" move helps by forcing generals to be cautious about rashly sticking their necks out.  Introducing initiative helps by adding the looming threat of something happening on the battlefield that influences friendly and enemy operations alike.  Wresting the initiative away might not happen in a battle - but if it does it has the ability to change the outcome.

Initiative Rules - Both players roll initiative each turn, prior to Step 1.  If the non-phasing player (the player who did not hold the initiative last turn) wins the initiative roll by 2 or more, he is now the initiative player and may move first this turn or choose to continue to move and fight second.

Traits - worth putting down here

Armored - units lose 1D6 when attacking armored troops.

Impetuous - units take 1D6 SP loss if they roll any 1's when attacking. (mostly reserved for barbarian warbands).

Barbarians - Barbarian units may "push move" for free if they end their move in close combat

Ferocious - units roll an extra 1D6 in combat on any turn when they charge.  (mostly reserved for barbarian warbands)

Veterans - units rated as "veteran" may ignore morale checks during Step 4, as if they had a general attached.  Destroyed veteran units reduce the breakpoint count by "3" instead of "2".

Missile - units with "Missile" trait may shoot during the shooting phase.  Used to identify light troops with missile weapons.  No unit may move and shoot.

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Working Towards A Set of Gridded Ancients Rules

I've been looking for a set of Ancients rules for solo use and so far have been very happy with modifying the illustrious One Hour Wargames (OHW) rules for this very purpose.  My objectives have been pretty clear throughout: 

  1. Put together a fun set of *gridded* rules to game battles from about 60 BC to the 1st Century AD
  2. Games should weave together a good narrative and include plenty of decision making to influence the battle.
  3. Games should lead to plausible outcomes - that is - reasonable outcomes from my understanding of history.

I am introducing some concepts to the OHW model, and borrowing some of my favorite out there as well.  Readers familiar with OHW will recognize most of what is presented today.  (Before I start, I will give lots of credit to Peter over at "Grid Based Wargaming" whose OHW variant for the Punic War were a huge inspiration for this project, as well as to Martin Rapier for his excellent set of Ancients OHW rules. Folks familiar with those blogs and rules will find lots of familiar material here.  

While the rules below have a scale identified in them, they are probably scale-agnostic and unit representations can easily be tweaked to represent entire Legions or lowly Centuries and all formations in-between.

The rules below are a bit wordy and scattered, and I'm working on making them into a QRS for download, but I'm still working some things out.  These are very much a work-in-progress and subject to change.  They have delivered some tense and fun games so far though.

3D6 OHW Gridded Ancients Rules

Grids & Undecided Questions...

The "Grid" in question is still undecided.  I've played the game both with squares and hexes and both present their own unique advantages and problems re zones of control and "where" the combat is occurring.  Squares definitely simplify the problem but aren't as flexible.  Hexes bring a nice flexibility but are a little finicky regarding ZOCs and actions on contact.  The jury is still out.  If you are going to try the rules, units must always face a square edge, or a hex vertex.  You could also play with rulers as well.  Substitute 4" for 1 movement segment. 

A mini-Pharsalus - Caesar's veteran legionaries go up against Pompey's Auxilia


All units are eliminated when they receive 9 hits.

  • Legionaries (Heavy Infantry) Roughly a cohort (480 troops... per Google).  Legionaries may  move 1 space or pivot, and may conduct a "push move" on a successful roll of 4+.  
    • Legionaries attack with 4D6 and are armored (attackers lose 1D6 when combating them).
  • Warband (Medium Infantry) 500-1000 Heavily armed, but lightly armored bands of barbarian foot soldiers, loosely formed but with a "ferocious" charge.  Warbands may pivot and move 1 space.  Barbarians may "push move" on a successful roll of 3+  Barbarians may "push move" for free if ending move in close combat.
    • Barbarians' initial attack in melee is always 4D6, and 3D6 on subsequent turns.  Barbarians never lose 1D6 for attacking armored troops.
    • Impetuous - Barbarian units which roll any "1s" when attacking will take 1 SP loss (regardless of how many 1s they roll).
  • Equites (Cavalry) Roughly 300-600 mounted men. Roman battle cavalry with lighter armament and light personal armor.  Cavalry moves 3 spaces or pivots (total, combined) and may conduct a "push move" on a successful roll of 4+.
    • Cavalry attack with 3D6.  Cavalry may disengage from combat if they start their turn in melee against a unit that has less movement than they do.
  • Auxilia (Medium, lightly armored infantry) Local, drilled levies of just under 500 men who lack the heavy armor of the Legionaries but who are slightly more mobile.  Auxilia may move 1 space or pivot, and may conduct a "push move" on a successful roll of 3+.
    • Auxilia attack with 3D6.
  • Sagitarii (archers etc) about 480 troops armed with missile weapons/bows.  Any troops that shoot.  Archers are more mobile and may move and pivot 1 space.  Archers may "push-move" on a successful roll of 3+.  Archers may not shoot on any turn in which they move or pivot.
    • Archers attack with 2D6 with a range of 3 hexes or 2 squares (allowing 1 for diagonal).  Archers may shoot over friendly troops and into melees.
  • Velites (light troops) A detachment of about 500 lightly armed and unarmored troops whose job it is to harass and slow down the enemy.  Lights move 2 spaces, pivoting for free before and after their move.  Lights may enter woods, rough, etc.  Lights may conduct a "push move" on a successful roll of 2+.
    • Velites attack with 2D6.  Provided they remain stationary, velites can make a ranged attack with a 2 space range (1 diagonal allowed).
  • Equites Auxiliares (light cavalry) Local, trained levy cavalry with light armament and armor who may or may not possess a shooting capability.  Light cavalry move 3 spaces, pivoting for free and may conduct a "push move" on a successful roll of 3+
    • Light Cavalry attack with 2D6.  Provided they remain stationary light cavalry can make a ranged attack with a 2 space range (1 diagonal allowed).
More veteran legionary infantry

Sequence of Play
1 turn = both players moving through the entire turn sequence, the first player (scenario dependent) followed by the second player.

  1. Movement
  2. Shooting
  3. Combat
  4. Check for Unit Morale & Elimination of Units
  5. Check for Breakpoint

1. Movement
A player may move any units that are not currently engaged in combat up to their movement allowance, and may conduct a "push move."

  • Legionaries Move 1 space or pivot.  Successful "push move" on a 4+.
  • Warbands Move 1 space.  Free pivot before or after.  Successful "push move" on a 3+.  Free "push move" if into combat.
  • Equites Move 3 spaces.  Free pivot before and after.  Successful "push move" on a 4+.
  • Auxilia Move 1 space or pivot.  Successful "push move" on a 3+.
  • Sagitarii Move 1 space and pivot.  Successful "push move" on a 3+.  May not move & shoot.  Pivots are movement.
  • Velites Move 2 spaces.  Free pivot before and after.  Successful "push move" on a 2+.  May not more & shoot.
  • Equites Auxiliares Move 3 spaces.  Free pivot before and after.  Successful "push move" on a 3+.  May not move and shoot.
Push Moves
A player may conduct a "push move" with any unit immediately following that unit's move.  Roll 1D6 attempting to roll the unit's "push move" success score or higher.  Success allows 1 additional movement action (move, initiate close combat, pivot).  

Failure still allows the push move action to occur but at a cost of 1 Strength Point to represent disorganization and fatigue incurred by rapid movement.

Charge Movement
A unit must expend a movement point to initiate assault combat - that is - to enter an enemy unit's space (hex, square, or sufficient movement to make contact if using rulers).  This would mean that a Legionary unit with a move allowance of 1 action (move or pivot) would have to start adjacent to an enemy unit to successfully charge it, or if it started 2 hexes from the enemy unit, it would use its movement point to move adjacent, and use its "push move" to get into contact with the enemy unit.  Note that the unit does not actually enter the enemy unit's space as combat is assumed to be occurring along the hex or square line of contact. The important thing to remember here is that the act of launching the attack uses 1 movement action.

Charging Units are subject to the following restrictions:
  • 1 pre-charge pivot allowed not to exceed 1 hex vertex, or 1 90 degree square face change.
  • Always count the space occupied by the enemy as 1 movement point for charge purposes.
  • Limited Engagement - Only 1 attacking unit may contact each face of a defending unit.  For hexes this means 1 unit may contact along one of the two frontal hexes, both of the flank hexes (left and right) and 1 unit through one of the two rear hexes.  For squares this means 1 unit along each side of the square may contact.

Turning / Pivoting
Pivoting within a hex, or turning within a square costs 1 movement action.  (therefore a Legionary heavy infantry unit turning within a square or pivoting 1 hex vertex point within a hex would use up its movement conducting the turn or pivot..).  Some units are restricted at when and how they may turn or pivot.  

Retreat Move
Units retreating after failing a morale check move 1 space back, facing the enemy.  Any unit prohibited from doing so due to impassable terrain loses an additional 1 strength point.  If a unit cannot retreat due to the presence of another enemy unit, it is destroyed.

Velites (light) infantry may interpenetrate and may be interpenetrated by other light infantry units.  A unit attempting to retreat due to a failed morale check that is blocked by another friendly unit pushes that unit back 1 hex.

  • Woods Only Velites and Warbands may enter.  Units attacking a unit in woods receive a -1D6 penalty.
  • Settlements No effect on movement or combat (scenario dependent - may allow subject attacker to -1D6 penalty to represent a fortified camp)
  • Swamp Entry prohibited for all units
  • Rivers Only crossed on bridges or at fords.  Assaulting across a bridge or ford receives a -1D6 penalty
  • Rough Only infantry may enter.  Units assaulting a unit in rough receives a -1D6 penalty
  • Hills Assaulting a unit on higher elevation receives a -1D6 penalty
  • Roads Allows for a free 1 space movement if beginning and ending on a road.

2. Shooting
No unit may move and shoot.  All shooting hits on a 4+.

Only Sagitarii (archers), Some* Velites (light infantry), and Some* Equites Auxiliares (light cavalry) may make missile attacks.
*scenario dependent

Units may only be targeted within front facing (measured from the 2 hexes in front of the unit and expanding out, up to range) or the 3 squares in front of a unit, or if playing with rulers, 45 degrees off of the corners of the base.

Sagitarii have a range of 3 hexes or 2 squares (with 1 diagonal).  They shoot 2D6.
Velites have a range of 2 hexes or 2 squares (with 1 diagonal).  They shoot 2D6.
Equites Auxiliares have a range of 2 hexes or 2 squares (with 1 diagonal).  They shoot 2D6.

Each hit causes 1 SP loss on the enemy unit.

All shooting is subject to the rules on armored units, and terrain restrictions.
Any unit which takes a casualty from shooting must check unit morale in Step 4.

3. Combat
Units only inflict hits during their Combat turn.  Units in combat roll their appropriate number of D6.  All combat dice hit on a 4+.  Each hit causes 1 SP loss on the enemy unit.

  • Legionaries roll 4D6 in combat.  Legionaries are armored.
  • Warbands*, Auxilia, Equites roll 3D6 in combat.
  • Sagitarii, Velites, Equites Auxiliares roll 2D6 in combat.
*Warbands roll 4D6 on their first turn in combat.  Warbands are subject to a 1 hit penalty per turn if they roll any 1s in combat.  warbands ignore armor.

All units subject to penalties for being attacked in the flank or rear.  Flank attacks occur from outside the frontal 2 hexes of a unit, or from the square immediately adjacent to the target's flanks, and behind the unit's front 3 squares.  Rear attacks occur from 1 of the 2 rear hexes, or from the square facing the rear of the unit.
  • Flank Attacks add 1D6 to an attacking unit's attack dice.
  • Rear Attacks add 2D6 to an attacking unit's attack dice.
All combat is subject to the rules on flanks, armored units, and terrain restrictions. (Warbands ignore target armor and never receive a penalty for attacking an armored unit).

Any unit which takes a casualty from combat must check unit morale in Step 4.  Barbarians do not have to check morale for rolling a "1" during combat.

4. Check for Unit Morale & Elimination of Units
Any unit which has taken casualties this turn must check morale by rolling a 1D6.  If it has taken 1-4 hits, it must roll a 2+ to pass.  If it has taken 5-8 hits, it must roll a 3+ to pass.  A unit that fails its Morale Check must retreat 1 space back.  

An enemy unit that melee'd with the unit who retreated during this turn may advance and occupy the space previously occupied by the unit.

Any unit which has accumulated 9 hits is routed and removed from the table.

5. Check for Breakpoint
Before the game begins, the army's breakpoint is calculated by adding:
2 points for each unit and general on the table.
3 points for veteran units.

During Step 5, subtract from the army's total the following:

1 point for each unit forced to retreat during step 4 during this turn.
2 points for each unit routed this turn.
3 points for each veteran infantry unit routed this turn.
1D3 points for a general killed this turn.

When the army morale reaches 0, the army quits the field.

Making lots of hexes!!  I need at least 81 flocked ones for my Ancient and Napoleonic projects!

Other Rules
Generals - Generals are powerful force multipliers.  A general attached to a unit offers the following benefits:
  • +1D6 in combat.
  • 1 free re-roll of a push-move attempt per turn for the unit he is co-located with.
  • Ignore casualty morale checks (a unit with an attached general does not have to test for retreat after taking casualties)

Risk to Generals - For every "1" rolled when attacking a unit that has a general attached, a casualty check must be made for the general.  Roll 2D6 for each 1 rolled.  Any result of "2" means the general has been killed.

If the general is co-located with a unit that has routed - a test must be made to see if the general has been killed.  Roll 1D6.  On a roll of "1" the general has been killed.

Initiative - I've found that units moving first and likely striking first in melee have a huge advantage in the games I've played.  The "push" move helps by forcing generals to be cautious about rashly sticking their necks out.  Introducing initiative helps by adding the looming threat of something happening on the battlefield that influences friendly and enemy operations alike.  Wresting the initiative away might not happen in a battle - but if it does it has the ability to change the outcome.

Initiative Rules - Both players roll initiative each turn, prior to Step 1.  If the non-phasing player (the player who did not hold the initiative last turn) wins the initiative roll by 2 or more, he is now the initiative player and may move first this turn or choose to continue to move and fight second.

Traits - worth putting down here

Armored - units lose 1D6 when attacking armored troops.
Impetuous - units take 1D6 SP loss if they roll any 1's when attacking. (mostly reserved for barbarian warbands).
Barbarians - Barbarian units may "push move" for free if they end their move in close combat
 Ferocious - units roll an extra 1D6 in combat on any turn when they charge.  (mostly reserved for barbarian warbands)
Veterans - units rated as "veteran" may ignore morale checks during Step 4, as if they had a general attached.  Destroyed veteran units reduce the breakpoint count by "3" instead of "2".
Missile - units with "Missile" trait may shoot during the shooting phase.  Used to identify light troops with missile weapons.

Pharsalus...again!  Ive played this game 8 times so far.