Thursday, November 24, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving to my American Friends!

Greetings All,

So as we do almost every year, I would like to wish my American friends a happy Thanksgiving day.  I, for one, have many reasons to be thankful this year.  Family additions, some hobby rules mysteries solved, and a bounty of great people with whom I game are all things I'll be mulling over while I'm devouring my turkey this year.

Also Sorry for my long absence, but lack of posts does not mean lack of activity!  The next Soviet Company for RAPID FIRE PONYRI STATION MEGA GAME is finished, more 15mm modern Soviet VDV finished, as well as some 15mm Bolt Action gaming with team stands).  I'll post pictures tomorrow.  Promise!

I also got to participate in a fun game of Team Yankee played in Ken's new gaming room against some modern Germans! [Hint: Leopard IIs are nasty, nasty beasts].

So my top 10 gaming things I'm thankful for in 2016:

1. Black Friday Gaming/Hobby Store Sales
2. Black Powder Rules (officially, and you heard it here first, my "Go To" set of Horse and Musket rules)
3. Team Yankee and Battlefront Cold War line of figures - which are second to none in the 15mm world IMHO.
4. Zvezda 1/100 plastics (sorry all, I love them!  WW2 and Cold War)
5. Nordalia Paint Formulas for Vallejo Paints (linked to your right on this blog)
6. Dave's Pumice Ground Cover
7. Minifigs 15mm Brunswickers
8. Rapid Fire WWII and Modern Supplements
9. Each and every SOC blog follower and special mention to those brave souls who leave comments on my blog
10. Great friends with whom I am lucky enough to occasionally game with, especially Ken, Brian, Rich, Mark, Phil, Alex, and Dave F.

By the way, if you would like to learn more about this holiday of ours, click here.  Technically, you don't need an excuse to eat this way, or to be thankful for the things you have, but it is nice to take some time out each year for both.


  1. Have a great Thanksgiving Steve.
    Don't eat too much (it wastes painting time :) )

    1. Cheers Darren! We spent the day at my mother's house so i was away from painting pretty much the whole day anyways...but I was able to knock out another Soviet company for my RAPID FIRE game.

  2. Black Powder?! Really looking forward to hearing your analysis!

    1. Yep - but remember, not due to any perceived superiority of the rules but rather that they meet my intent for "what I want [must have] out of a Horse and Musket game." They meet my "big 3" for the period:

      1. Rules work equally well with a few units, or many units.
      2. Rules are uncomplicated.
      3. Rules are basing agnostic.

      This should shed some light on things:

      These days I have less and less time to comb through rules and instead would like to focus on playing more games. Finding a set of rules that allowed me to "just play" while also giving some texture and satisfaction brought me to Black Powder.

      I know...crazy right? We played Quatre Bras with 21 battalions on a side in 2.5 hours to a solid conclusion on my 6 x 4 table. I think in terms of "playing games" BP is a good compromise for me at this point in time.

      Not to say I'm against playing anything else, just that I've already got the BP system down, I enjoy the period flavor special rules, and I think it gives a pretty clean and solid result of a battle in a short amount of time.

  3. Thanks here to brother!

    Hope you snag a few great deals today. ;-)

    1. Hey Pal,
      So no not really any deals except on running shoes. I did score the Afgantsy Soviet Heavy Weapons on The War Store but not really much of a discount.
