Last week Dave and I got together and hatched a scheme that we might just be able to pull off. We were looking for a modern rules set to host a WWIII game at a future convention. We tried a few engagements out with a handful of BMP-1s, T-72s fighting against another handful of BMPs and T-72s.
We ran through 3rd Generation Warfare, Battlegroup: REFORGER, Team Yankee, and a few others. While all of them were fine in their own right, none of them were really unique. Our big question to answer?
What might be a worthy experience to bring to a wargaming convention? Enter Dunn-Kempf.
How about the US Army's tried and true training "game" that saw innumerable spin-off games born from its simple principles of fire and movement? "If you can be seen, you can be hit. If you can be hit, you can be killed." Dunn Kempf was itself born from the old WRG "modern" rules but was simplified so Soldiers could easily grasp the lessons it taught - mainly to move out of sight of the enemy, to utilize cover, concealment, shrewd fire planning, reconnaissance, and ATGMs to
"win the first battle of the next war." While none of the mechanisms in DK are unique to a grognard, playing the game using the percentage to-hit and percentage to-kill will be a worthwhile experience and show the Soviets as a thinking and very dangerous foe with no shortage of artillery batteries to plaster German hillsides.
You can read more about Dunn Kempf
here. Suffice to say, Dave and I are going to host a DK battle at a future HMGS convention, but with a little twist. The forces will be West German fighting Soviets! (I'll explain that in a later post). You can download a free QRS for Dunn Kempf that has most of the rules in it
here. [you will have to log in to board game geek with an account but it's well worth your time!]
Dave will be working up the Bundeswehr troops. I'll be working up the Soviet troops, and here is a little teaser:
The whole Soviet force - 31 x T-62s painted in PSC "Russian Armor Green" along with an Anti Tank platoon, Recce platoon, forward observer, and communications vehicle. |
unfinished T-62s. Still need to apply an ink wash and dry brush these beasties. |
I'll be working on the ground-cover and flocking on my Soviet bases and after the vehicles are done, I'll start on the infantry next.
turrets glued down, hulls glued to the bases. |
These are on small FOW MDF bases and I'll also be using these for "Fate of a Nation" and "Team Yankee" as well.
ZSU-57-2 AAA |
Anti Tank and Reconnaissance platoons |
Command vehicle or Forward Observer |
Okay while these are drying, I'll be flocking British and Spaniards for Talavera. Hopefully some outstanding Napoleonic action coming soon.